40+ Most Useful ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers

Have you explored ChatGPT’s potential to assist product managers yet? This new AI tool can generate insightful prompts and strategize with you to help solve complex product problems. But to get the most value, you’ll need to ask the right questions. Here, we will provide 40+ crafted ChatGPT Prompts for product managers for you to optimize your product management outcome with this powerful tool.

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Why ChaGPT Prompts for Product Managers

ChatGPT can generate a myriad of prompts based on the input it receives. For product managers, this means the ability to generate prompt responses to customer queries, draft team messages, or even brainstorm product ideas. It’s like having a personal assistant who never tires and is always ready to help. Let’s delve into some of the ways product managers can use ChatGPT:

  • Customer Interaction: ChatGPT can generate prompt responses to customer queries, improving service efficiency and freeing up valuable time for product managers.
  • Content Generation: From drafting team messages to creating product descriptions, ChatGPT can handle a plethora of writing tasks.
  • Brainstorming: Need fresh ideas for product features or marketing strategies? Feed ChatGPT some keywords and let it do the rest.

ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers

Usage and User Feedback

  • Below are 10 online reviews with customer feedback. Give a 150-character summary of each review that lists the main message or complaint of the review. Classify each review as positive, negative or neutral sentiment. Categorize the content of each review in the following categories: user experience, pricing, customer service, product. Provide your answers in a table format with a separate column for each of the criteria.
  • I have a dataset with customer feedback data. It has the following schema: {…}. Make a list of the 6 most relevant charts to visualize.
  • Below is a list of customer support questions and responses from our support team. What are the 10 most commonly asked questions? Create an FAQ document with default responses based on our support team’s responses.

Generate Product Ideas and Concepts

  • Generate X new product ideas for a Y (e.g., an organization that sells outdoor gear).
  • Come up with X product concepts for a Y (e.g., subscription-based meal delivery service).
  • Create a list of X potential product ideas for a Y (e.g., mobile app that helps users track their fitness goals).
  • Brainstorm X product concepts for a Y (e.g., smart home device that helps improve energy efficiency).
  • Generate X ideas for a Y (e.g., new line of eco-friendly cleaning products).
  • What are some unique features that could be added to a Y (e.g., fitness tracking app)?
  • What are some innovative ideas for a Y (e.g., smart home security system)?

Create Effective UX Research Questionnaires

  • Can you suggest some ideas for questions to include in a user research questionnaire for product development?
  • How can I structure my user research questionnaire to minimize bias and ensure the best impact?
  • Who should be my target audience for the user research questionnaire, and how can I tailor my questions to understand their needs and preferences best?
  • What are some common biases that can affect user research results, and how can I design my questionnaire to reduce or eliminate these biases?
  • What are the different types of questions I can include in my user research questionnaire, and when should I use each type?

Conduct Market Research and Competitor Analysis

  • What are the main trends in the X industry, and how can our Y (e.g., company, group, team, or organization) capitalize on them?
  • Who are our top 3 competitors in the X market and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are the key drivers of customer purchasing decisions in the X market?
  • What are the most common customer pain points in the X market, and how can our X (e.g., company, group, team, or organization) address them?
  • What is the projected growth rate for the X market over the next Y years?
  • What are the key market segments in the X industry, and which one represents the biggest opportunity for our Y (e.g., company, group, team, or organization)?
  • What are the latest innovations and technological advancements in the X market?
  • What are the most popular pricing models in the X market, and which one is the most effective?
  • What are the key regulations and compliance issues in the X market?
  • What are the key success factors for X (e.g., companies, organizations, groups) operating in the Y market, and how can our Z (e.g., company, group, team, or organization) achieve them?

Write Product Descriptions and User Manuals.

  • Write a clear and concise product description for our new X product.
  • Create a user manual for our X software, including step-by-step instructions for key features.
  • Generate a list of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) for our X product.
  • Write product specifications for X, including Y (e.g., dimensions, weight, materials) and other key details.
  • Create a list of feature benefits for our new X product and how it addresses customer needs.
  • Write a product comparison chart between our X product and its main competitors.
  • Write a product launch press release for our new X product.
  • Generate a list of common use cases for our X product and how it can be used in different industries.
  • Write a product testimonial from a satisfied customer who has used our X product.
  • Create a list of technical specifications and requirements for our X product.

Develop Go-To-Market Strategies

  • What are the most effective marketing channels for our X product?
  • How can we target and segment our market for our X product?
  • What is the most effective pricing strategy for our X product?
  • How can we create a unique value proposition for our X product?
  • What are the key elements of a successful go-to-market strategy for our X product?
  • What are the most critical success factors for our X product’s go-to-market strategy?
  • What are the key metrics we should track to measure the success of our X product’s go-to-market strategy?
  • How can we create a strong brand identity and messaging for our X product?
  • What are the key tactics we should use to drive demand for our X product?
  • How can we differentiate our X product from competitors in the market?

Try our ChatGPT Prompts for Product Managers Now

ChatGPT prompts for product managers provide an exciting avenue to streamline tasks, enhance efficiency, and foster creativity. By understanding and leveraging its capabilities, product managers can revolutionize their approach to various aspects of their role. It’s time to turn the page and step into the future of product management with ChatGPT.

By the way, if you want to find other types of prompts, please visit AllPrompts. We can help you to find the right prompts, tools and resources right away, and even get access to the Mega Prompts Pack to maximize your productivity.


1. Can ChatGPT write product descriptions?

Yes, ChatGPT can generate product descriptions based on the information and keywords provided

2. Can ChatGPT help me with product roadmapping?

Yes, you can provide context on your product and ask ChatGPT to suggest a product roadmap, including upcoming features and releases.

3. How can ChatGPT assist with user research as a PM?

You can ask ChatGPT to suggest user research questions, interview scripts, survey questions, and ways to synthesize user research findings.

4. How can I use ChatGPT to ideate product features?

Prompt ChatGPT to suggest new feature ideas based on customer needs, market trends, and competitors.

5. Can ChatGPT analyze product metrics or usage data?

Yes, you can provide key metrics and ask ChatGPT to interpret trends and insights.