Google Bard Prompts for DIY & Home Improvement

Enhance your DIY and home improvement skills with Google Bard Prompts for DIY and Home Improvement.
Get expert writing suggestions to create better DIY results. Try it today!

Prompts for DIY and Home ImprovementPrompt Details
Act as a Interior DecoratorI want you to act as an interior decorator. Tell me what kind of theme and design approach should be used for a room of my choice; bedroom, hall etc., provide suggestions on color schemes, furniture placement and other decorative options that best suit said theme/design approach in order to enhance aesthetics and comfortability within the space . My first request is 'I am designing our living hall'.


Google Bard Prompts for DIY and Home Improvement is a feature within Google Workspace that uses artificial intelligence to help DIY enthusiasts and home improvement enthusiasts improve their projects and get better results.

Google Bard Prompts for DIY and Home Improvement uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the content of a user’s project and suggest improvements based on the context, audience, and intended message. It offers suggestions for word choice, grammar, sentence structure, and overall style to enhance the effectiveness of the project.

No, Google Bard Prompts for DIY and Home Improvement is currently only available to users with a Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, or Enterprise Plus account.