12 ChatGPT Prompts for HR to Supercharge Your Work

In the fast-paced world of Human Resources (HR), staying ahead of the curve is crucial for successful recruitment, employee training, and overall employee satisfaction. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), HR professionals have a powerful ally at their disposal: ChatGPT prompts for HR. In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT prompts for HR can transform HR processes, streamline communication, and empower HR teams to make well-informed decisions. Let’s dive in!

By the way, have you heard about Arvin? It’s a must-have tool that serves as a powerful alternative to ChatGPT. With Arvin(Google extension or iOS app), you can achieve exceptional results by entering your ChatGPT prompts. Try it out and see the difference yourself!

Why You Need ChatGPT Prompts for HR?

1. Enhancing Candidate Screening
One of the most time-consuming tasks in HR is sifting through numerous resumes to find the best candidates. ChatGPT prompts can be utilized to create tailored job descriptions and candidate evaluation criteria. By inputting specific requirements, HR teams can receive relevant and well-structured prompts that highlight the most suitable candidates, saving time and effort.

2. Optimizing Employee Onboarding
Smooth onboarding sets the tone for an employee’s journey in the company. With ChatGPT prompts, HR can generate comprehensive onboarding guides that cover essential information about the company, policies, benefits, and team introductions. These prompts can be shared with new hires, providing them with a personalized and engaging introduction to their new workplace.

3. Improving Employee Training and Development
Training and upskilling employees are critical for continuous growth within an organization. ChatGPT prompts can be leveraged to create interactive training materials, quizzes, and knowledge assessments. By incorporating AI-generated prompts, HR can ensure that training content is engaging, informative, and caters to the individual learning needs of employees.

Various ChatGPT Prompts for HR

Prompts to Automate Your Writing Work

  1. Create an email template for a company-wide announcement. The announcement is about [Announcement Topic]. The email should include [Key Information/Details], as well as a [Call to Action/Next Steps]. The tone of the email should be [Tone/Style], and it should be addressed to [Audience/Recipients]
  2. Create an email template for recruiters to send to candidates. The email should be sent at [Instance] and include [Information/Details]. The tone of the email should be [Tone/Style] and it should be addressed to [Candidate’s Name]
    You can also go a step further and use ChatGPT to get email sequences created for continuous engagement with, say, a new hire or candidate.
  3. ‍Create an email series to engage with [type of employees] on [name the occasion/situation]. The series should include [Number of Emails] emails, each addressing [topic]. The tone of the emails should be [Tone/Style] and they should be addressed to [Audience/Recipients]. Each email should include [Key Information/Details] and a [Call to Action/Next Steps].
  4. Create an email series to engage with [type of employees] on [name the occasion/situation]. The series should include [Number of Emails] emails, each addressing [topic]. The tone of the emails should be [Tone/Style] and they should be addressed to [Audience/Recipients]. Each email should include [Key Information/Details] and a [Call to Action/Next Steps].

ChatGPT Prompts to Check Content for Grammar

  1. Check this copy for grammar, spelling and punctuation. Change the tone of communication to [tone/style]: [Add URL or text]
  2. Check this page: [Add text or URL] for inclusive language. Flag any bias based on gender, race, age, sexuality and more. And rewrite the copy to make it inclusive and bias-free.
  3. Can you summarize this page: [Add URL or copy the text] and give me the important ideas as bullet points.
  4. Let’s roleplay. You are [define who ChatGPT needs to be]. I’m your [define your role in relation to ChatGPT]. [Establish context – what the conversation is about]. Ask me the most probable questions that [ChatGPT’s character] would ask and at the end of the conversation, give me feedback.

Prompts to Compare HR solutions

  1. Create a comparison table to evaluate the features, pricing, ease of use, customer support and customer ratings of [product 1], [product 2] and [product 3]
  2. You work in HR in a global [industry] company with [no. of employees]. Now create a checklist for [add situation]
  3. You work in HR. Now generate [number of questions] interview questions for the position of a [position] to evaluate [skillset 1], [skillset 2], [skillset 3]
  4. You work in HR. Generate a [number of questions]-question questionnaire to gather employee feedback on [describe what you need feedback on. Eg: workplace culture]. Avoid leading questions, loaded questions, double-barreled questions. And do not use absolutes in the questions.


The emergence of ChatGPT prompts has ushered in a new era of AI-assisted HR practices. With the ability to create tailored prompts for candidate screening, onboarding, training, and engagement, HR professionals can save time, improve decision-making, and foster a positive and inclusive work environment.


1. How do ChatGPT prompts assist in candidate screening?

ChatGPT prompts can generate specific job descriptions and evaluation criteria, streamlining the candidate screening process.

2. Can ChatGPT prompts be personalized for different job roles?

Yes, HR can input role-specific requirements to receive prompts tailored to different job positions.

3. How can ChatGPT prompts enhance employee engagement?

HR can use prompts to create employee surveys that gather feedback and measure engagement levels.

4. Are ChatGPT prompts capable of understanding and avoiding biased language?

Yes, ChatGPT prompts can be designed to minimize biased language in job descriptions and communication.

5. Can ChatGPT prompts be used for multilingual HR tasks?

Yes, ChatGPT supports various languages, making it suitable for multilingual HR communication.