16 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Job Interview Preparation

Are you nervous about your upcoming job interview? Do you wish you could practice and prepare more effectively? Look no further! In this article, we will explore how ChatGPT prompts for job interview preparation can revolutionize your job interview preparation, boost your confidence, and help you stand out from the competition.

By the way, have you heard about Arvin? It’s a must-have tool that serves as a powerful alternative to ChatGPT. With Arvin(Google extension or iOS app), you can achieve exceptional results by entering your ChatGPT prompts. Try it out and see the difference yourself!

Leveraging ChatGPT for Job Interview Preparation

Preparing for a job interview can be both exciting and daunting. ChatGPT can be a game-changer in your preparation process. Here’s how to make the most of it:

1. Crafting Personalized Job Interview Questions

Using ChatGPT, you can create a list of personalized interview questions based on the job description and the company you’re applying to. This helps you anticipate the kind of questions you might be asked and formulate well-thought-out responses.

2. Practicing Mock Interviews

ChatGPT can simulate a real interview scenario by acting as the interviewer. It allows you to practice your responses in a conversational manner, enabling you to refine your answers and improve your delivery.

3. Receiving Instant Feedback

As you interact with ChatGPT, you’ll receive instant feedback on your answers. This feedback helps you identify areas of improvement, work on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths.

ChatGPT Prompts for Job Interview Preparation

Behavioral Interview Questions in Job Interview

  1. Can you share some behavioral questions that recruiters might ask me during [our first /an] interview?
  2. Read full conversation with ChatGPT here
  3. Can you provide me with some tips on how to answer the [‘tell me about yourself’] question during a job interview?
  4. Read full conversation with ChatGPT here
  5. Can you give me [a few] examples of how to answer the [‘What is your greatest weakness’] question during a job interview?
  6. I’m preparing for a behavioral interview for a [Senior Data Scientist] position in the [marketing] industry. Can you generate some potential questions that might be asked in this type of interview?
  7. Based on my professional experience as a [high school teacher], can you provide a sample answer to the question: [“Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your teaching style to meet the needs of a student who was struggling?”]? Reference my resume to highlight my ability to [engage and challenge student understanding and involvement]. Here’s my resume: [paste in your resume]
  8. I’m looking for questions that might be asked in a behavioral interview for a [Sales Manager] role. Can you generate questions about [negotiation, networking, and relationship-building]?

Particular Scenario in Job Interview Preparation

I’m currently interviewing for a [VP] role at [Disney]. One of the behavioral questions I’d be asked is: [“Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult or disruptive person. It may have been a client, manager, or coworker. What was the outcome?”] Help me provide an answer based on my experience [managing a team of 12 sales professionals, who had entirely different characters]. Here’s the scenario: [Being in a leadership position for 16 years, I was overseeing a team of 12 sales professionals – who had very different personalities and characters. Some were very quiet, while others were very disruptive to the process. I had the difficult choice to install practices and had to consider letting go of staff, who were disruptive to the work environment].

I’m currently interviewing for a [VP] role at [Disney]. One of the behavioral questions I’d be asked is: [“Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult or disruptive person. It may have been a client, manager, or coworker. What was the outcome?”] Help me provide an answer based on my experience [managing a team of 12 sales professionals, who had entirely different characters].

Here’s the scenario: [Being in a leadership position for 16 years, I was overseeing a team of 12 sales professionals – who had very different personalities and characters. Some were very quiet, while others were very disruptive to the process. I had the difficult choice to install practices and had to consider letting go of staff, who were disruptive to the work environment].

Help me answer this sample interview question: “[Describe a time when you worked as part of a team on a project. Explain your role within the team and the actions you took to contribute to the team]”, based on my goal to become a [team leader]. I want to highlight my [teamwork and communication] skills with this answer.

One of the interview questions for my potential [customer-facing] role is:”[Tell me about a time when you were assigned a task outside your normal job duties.]” Provide an answer based on my ability to [go above and beyond] and for this particular task – [reached 107% of sales targets by adapting the interview script to the customer needs].

I’m preparing for a behavioral interview for a [junior sales] job – I’d like to practice answering questions about [multitasking]. Can you ask me some follow-up questions based on my answer? My answer is: [“In my previous role, I was tasked with managing two concurrent projects with tight deadlines. To manage my time effectively, I created a detailed project plan for each one, which included a breakdown of all tasks, timelines, and deliverables. I then prioritized tasks based on their urgency and importance and allocated my time accordingly.”]

I’m preparing for a job interview for a [CTO] position. Could you act as the interviewer and ask me some questions? Please ask me these three questions, one at a time. Don’t provide me with sample answers to them – instead, wait for me to finish answering the first question and then ask me the next one. [What is your experience in leading technical teams and managing technical projects? How do you keep up with emerging technologies and incorporate them into the company’s technology roadmap? Can you give an example of a complex technical problem you solved in the past?] When I’m done answering the three questions, provide feedback on my answers with advice on how to improve.

I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate, and you will ask me [data modeling and ML] technical interview questions for a [CTO] role. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conversation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. Ask me random questions from one of the following topics and ask follow-up questions: Data modeling and evaluation, ML libraries & algorithms, Agile, Data migration & integration, and AI.

I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conversation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. Ask me a random [CISCO network integration] question, that is suitable for [medium]-level experts, and evaluate my solution based on correctness and complexity.


Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with ChatGPT, you have a powerful tool to boost your preparation and increase your chances of success. Use ChatGPT to practice mock interviews, receive feedback, and fine-tune your communication skills. By leveraging this AI-powered assistant, you can walk into your job interview with confidence and secure that dream job you’ve been working towards.


1. Can ChatGPT replace real interview practice?

While ChatGPT is a valuable tool for interview preparation, it complements rather than replaces real interview practice. Combining both will yield the best results.

2. Is ChatGPT suitable for all types of job interviews?

Yes, ChatGPT can be used to prepare for various job interviews, from entry-level to executive positions, in different industries.

3. Can ChatGPT help me with non-verbal aspects of interviews?

ChatGPT mainly focuses on verbal aspects, but you can still use it to practice structuring your responses effectively.

4. Can ChatGPT guarantee I’ll get the job?

While ChatGPT can significantly improve your interview preparation, job selection depends on various factors. It enhances your chances but cannot guarantee a job offer.

5. Can ChatGPT help with interview questions?

One of the best uses of ChatGPT is to help job seekers prepare for job interviews and get general tips.